
SUA Internal Audit Unit was established in 1985. Its main role was to assist management to evaluate the effectiveness of control systems to safeguarding the interest of the University. It was a single man department and gradually the numbers of staff were increasing to the maximum of six (6) Auditors in 2017.

The Unit is under the Vice Chancellor administratively while functionally reports to the Audit Committee.

Public Finance act 2001 revised edition 2004 Section 30 require each government institution, Agencies and its department to establish the Audit Committee. In conformity with aforementioned guideline the University instigated the Audit Committee in 2013 and since then the Head of Internal Audit Unit who is the Chief Internal Auditor reports to the audit committee.

The Internal Audit scope change every now and again to align with International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) and International Standards on Auditing (ISA). Basically the Internal Audit is an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the University’s operations. It helps the University to accomplish its objective by bringing a systematic, discipline approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, controls, and governance process.

Our Vision

To be recognized as indispensable in providing objective assurance and consulting services to assist the University in achieving its goals.


Our Mission

To promote proper audit through evaluation and improving effectiveness of risk management, controls and governance processes.